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Our yoga improves flexibility, decreases tightness, strengthens the core and removes physical, mental and emotional toxins from the body.

YIN yoga sessions are ideal for triathletes, cyclists and single sport athletes such as swimmers and runners who need targeted relaxation and recovery that supports their ongoing endurance training. Rather than being another 'workout' in their weekly schedule, YIN yoga complements training by allowing you to completely relax the musculature during the session. Research shows that rest is the best form of recovery. YIN yoga target the muscles used in specific sports and help muscles totally relax which leads to faster muscle recovery as well as increased mobility, both of which contribute toward improved performance.

Hatha Flow sessions are ideal for strengthening, toning and energizing the body, while expanding and nourishing the muscles and releasing tension, tightness and fatigue. This form of yoga is a ‘workout’. We move through a series of poses paying specific attention to proper alignment and strength while developing rhythmic breathing cycles that improve our ability to focus, relax and re-energize.

Studio time is $40 per hour. Contact Sooz at for more information.